06 May Overhead Crane
Have you ever used an overhead crane? They are terrific machines that both lift and move heavy objects; they can put the heaviest of objects in a precise location. They can be built in different configurations, and are effective at both the simple tasks and the most demanding. For instance, an overhead crane is a terrific tool to unload heavy objects from the back of a truck, however they are equally effective at higher capacities at moving objects as large, awkward, and heavy as a shipping container. They are incredibly efficient and they make the workload much safer on employees—employees are less likely to be injured physically when a machine helps do the heavy lifting. And, like a forklift and most other modern machinery, an overhead crane can boost workflow and efficiency, and in many situations lower operating costs.
There are a few safety tips to consider when operating a crane. First, before each and every use the crane should be physically inspected to ensure that there is no damage—wear and tear can be subtle and can affect the efficiency and decrease safety—it should also have the appropriate operation and capacity to handle the job.
Remember when you use the overhead crane that the load capacity isn’t something that should ever be exceeded. The crane’s capacity rating is for the safety of the operators and anyone else in the vicinity; it’s also possible to damage the machine.
And anytime the crane is put to work it’s important that everyone in the vicinity know and understand the crane’s operational abilities and how to be safe while it’s in use.
An overhead crane is a terrific machine that can be effectively put to work in your warehouse. If you have any questions about overhead cranes, or any of the machinery sold by your crane and forklift professionals at Anderson Forklift, then call today.
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