You may not need to raise several tons, but you need to get your vehicles up, repaired and out of your shop as safely and efficiently as possible. That’s why you need Rotary car lifts. Whether you’re making extensive repairs or performing routine maintenance, our auto lifts are precision-engineered and manufactured to last—and that provides long-lasting performance.
Rotary was built on car lifts, so they understand that car lifts have the power to make or break your business, too. That’s why they exceed industry standards and offer a nationwide service network. With every car you drive into your shop, you can rest assured that they were raised to focus on quality, safety, reliability and innovation. And the lifts that are born of that commitment are Raised in Madison, Indiana—in the heart of the U.S.A.
Rotary Lift the originator of the hydraulic lift, is the industry leader in the car lift business. Car lifts were an idea born from our founder, Peter Lunati, to improve the everyday life for each repairman. Rotary Lift® has been the leader and innovator in the auto lift business for over 95 years.
Car lifts are what built their company and they are what will help you build yours. Their commitment to quality, safety, reliability, and innovation are what drive us every day. Let Rotary Lift be your solution for all your lifting needs.